Thursday 26 July 2018


If life was a game, only professionals would have been able to play and win. If life was to be paid for, only those very rich would have been able to acquire it. If life was power, only the fitted and strong would have laid permanent hold on it.
            But who are these professionals? I could say that it is those people that have the ability to be patience and to humble themselves to pass through learning process and eventually become a master.
These are diligent and sincere hearted humans who always put the interest of others into consideration when taking decisions.
            This book “Challenges of life” is a book that has been designed with the mind-set of revealing some hidden truth about some of the African leaders who come into power not with the intent to make life meaningful for the people but to forcefully or cunningly mass for themselves the wealth of the nation, on the expense of other members of the society.
The concept of this story is case study of Nigerian government.
Nigeria is a country with diverse ethnic groups and multiple religions. And since it’s founding, the governmental structure has been unstable for almost 55 years now. But because of the inability of the leaders to unitedly manage the resources of the country on equal sharing basis, the government system has been unstable.
            Nigeria have 6 geological zones. But has been politically merged into two for the benefit of understanding of this mind blowing narration.
The story in this book in this book “Challenges of Life” although is a real story, the names and images or other representations used are fictitious. So it does not directly refer to any individual or group. Anyone picking offense on the realistic pattern the story is aligned, or take, intends to take or attack or suspect the writer or narrator of dent to his or her image is done on malicious ground.
            The fact is that the story is real and if all suggestions provided therein is extracted and applied, it will make Nigeria GREAT AGAIN.
Since the problem in the land has been identified and several suggestions provided, its expected that its leader at all time should consult and make diligent use of them to achieve the result of uniting the nation and making life meaningful and enjoyable for the citizens. Although the actual cause of this problem has not been mentioned, Professor NickFallow Decki promised to make a national briefing on it at a date that will be scheduled to hold a Town Hall meeting with the Elders and people of Akogah Empire in part two of this book, “Challenges of Life” with the title, THE ACTUAL STATE OF THE NATION.


Product of
Agbonlahor & Sons Ventures

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Table Of Content

Ø     Why Are We Here?
Ø     The Struggle Has Started
Ø     A Tyrant Ruler Arrives
Ø     How The Repression Was Cooked
Ø     The Trick Has Been Leaked.
Ø     Enemy In The Family
Ø     They Must Leave Us Alone
Ø     The Battle Proper
Ø     I Will Finish My Talk
Ø     Why They Were Summoned
Ø     The Town Hall Meeting
Ø     The Visit

1.     A Finished Society
2.     Basic Of Co-operative Society
3.     Not Now! Never Again….
4.     Understanding Co-operative Society
5.     If It Were You
6.     My Business; My Life, My Future
7.     Co-operators Are Entrepreneurs
8.     The Co-operative Manager
9.     Co-operative Society…. My Business.

Chapter 1
Why Are We Here?
It was a cool Saturday evening. Exactly 3:30pm to be precise. A large crowd of youths gathered under the big belebo tree in the center of Akogah Empire. The convener of the gathering was Omene, the youth leader for the kingdom.
“Everybody sit down! Sit down everyone” shouted Alma, the community youth P.R.O.
Within some minutes, everyone present were seated and everywhere, calm. Well about 4:00pm to be specific, the youth Leader who was already seated in the middle of the gathering stood up to address the audience of more than 580 youth eagerly waiting to hear the message he has for them.
My youth! My Youth!! Omene bellowed authoritatively. His words…. "For long we have been waiting for this day to come. TODAY! Darkness Has Fallen And The Truth Is Gradually Going To Start Revealing".
Do you know that we have been living among our enemies all these while and we never knew it? We must handle this matter headlong now; this is a challenge for all youths and elders, in this kingdom including all children from the Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle districts of Akogah land. Otherwise, a day like this, an opportunity like this, a fruitful moment like this may never come our way again. Nevertheless, the yorinle’s are not under coercion to join this fight because they have hindered this move previously.
Remember that I have always instigated you against other youths within and around our boundaries. In order to fight against them. Oh! This was wrong…. I was wrong, and I’ve regretted ever taking such action. It was the wrong step I took and I didn’t really knew it then. Now that I realized the gravity of what I’ve done, I feel very sorry.
When I was perpetrating these crime, I didn’t quite understand that their intention was to use me to eject my own brother and then dump me. Today, we don’t have enough youths that will make up and defend our land anymore. Even our neighboring nations are all filled with elders and old people.
Oh! They used me to cause disaster to my own people and my own society! They are really evil.
I can still remember vividly that In the last meeting I held with Mr. Abdul Karin the current head of Akogah Empire, I vehemently told him that Akogah Empire and its government will soon experience a change of lifestyle, but he never understood what I meant. Today! We are in it. Omene then shouted “Great youth” – the youths responded with the slogan, – ‘power’ it was then some of the executives in the youth wing, started to realize the fact that actually, “Darkness Has Fallen and The Truth Has Gradually Started to be Revealed”. The reality of the move has become clearer.
As Omene was still addressing the youths, Abu-Bakr the Vigilante group leader led a number of Vigilante members to the scene to disrupt the peaceful meeting convene by the youth leader of Akogah Empire, Mr. Omene.
HALT! Stop this meeting. Proclaimed Abu-Bakr. The Community Defense Chairman (CDC); you must stop this gathering now since I’ve declare it a security threat to this nation.
As the CDC of this land, I don’t want this meeting to continue.
No! No!! No!!! Shouted Omene in hesitation to Mr. Abu-Bakr’s order, Great youths of Akogah Kingdom! The youth answered, “power” Do you wished that we stop this meeting now? The youth said No… are you not already fed up with the present system of Government we are experiencing in this empire? The youth responded, YES! Omene continued, you can see for yourselves my leaders that the YOUTHS are not willing to disperse. But remember that our hardworking farmers sustaining this nation with their produce, the vigilante group and civil defense are youths, any area man power and hard-work is needed in this empire, calls for the presence of our youth's.
Facing Abu-Bakr and sending a strong signal to the ruler of the land through him, Omene, The youth leader said to him! NO…. we will not succumb this time to your threats. Because many tomorrow have come and gone. Although, we have been waiting for a day like this, an opportunity like this, this particular moment, but it never showed up. Now that it has been found, we are not willing to let it go, we won’t wait for another day like this to come before Akogah youth could tell all wrong rulers in the land that enough is enough. Others shouted, hailing him! Omene… You Spoke Well Our Leader! You’re Speaking Our Minds.
Immediately after the general meeting, Omene and five other members of his cabinet were seen seated in the community conference hall. Among them were Ismaila the assistant youth leader (AYL), Chukwuma, the youth secretary (YS), Alma the youth P.R.O, Mabel the Assistant Youth Leader and Alero the women leader.
The discussion was started by Omene who briefed the executives what the purpose of the gathering was about. He said “I call you people to this special emergency executive meeting because” now is the time to put things right in this province, as it is clear that many things are already out of their track. You people will recall that we have many districts that make up this empire and each of the districts has clans which are unique in their own ways.
For instance:-
1.      Habekona clans are rich in the production of tomato and wheat.
2.      Noribalu, produce yam & beans.
3.      Edunero are rich in crude oil and agricultural produce.
4.      Ibokele have oil and coal.
5.      Yorinle is endowed with cocoyam & cola.
6.      Wabudu are animal rearers.
Now I want somebody to tell me which of these clans is not competent enough to function independently as a nation? Take note that every other district has kept their resources to themselves except Edunero and Ibokele. Are you aware that all of us present in this meeting came from these clans that own the major resources propelling the entire empire?
The Edunero and Ibokele have been fooled for a very long time. But now our eyes are opened and we are prepared to posses our possession. If any of you know that you are not in support of this move to take back our inheritance from these oppressors, hijackers please kindly excuse us so that we will know those who are willing to fight this battle with us. This is possibly going to be the last war that will resolve all abnormalities going on in this empire
Alero stood up and told the other members in the assembly, “You know I am the women leader in this Akogah Empire and that I stand placed there by this same authority you are talking against. I am well aware that the resources sustaining the entire empire is sourced from our clans, still I understand that our brother in the seat of ruler ship presently is so callous and coldhearted. We may never be able to caution him nor take power from this wabudu brother of ours because he’s so pompous and feels his people have the highest population in the land and so, the entire Akogah Empire belongs to them. My people, you know that these people are aggressive and iniquitous; they don’t have value for human lives. They slaughter human as if they are animals. Do you not see that they don’t procure any kind of material possession? They don’t even build block houses, except those that travel out of home. Their desire is to cause commotion in this empire since they have been brainwashed that this is the only way god will make their lives better. I also understand that one of the reasons they keep on bullying people around them is centered on the fact that they wish for everyone of us, including our neighbors in other nations around us to flee from their homes so that, they alone will take possession of the entire land. I don’t want to die now. So, I will not be a part of this revolution. Please see reasons with me. I’m going away from this gathering.”
Go! And never come back. But we assure you, we must reclaim our inheritance from them said Mabel the assistant youth leader. But Omene calm her down and said don’t shout on her, don’t quarrel with her she is still our sister they just choose to use her against us. Alero you can go and join them to fight and kill your own people! Your own blood, because you have been made a rubber stamp women leader, Omene said calmly. Remember that I was once their tool, but now their victim, but one thing I will guarantee and that is sure is that, we shall overcome them.

Chapter 2
The Struggle Has Started
Some elders of Akogah Empire are seen seated. Including Mr. Abu-Bakr the CDC, updating the elders in council and the Community Development Association Executives, the current security situation in the land. Abu-Bakr stood before the elders and reported! My elders, my well respected head of Akogah Empire and other executives here present. “I went round town recently to see to the situation of security in our great nation, only to find the gate that lead to the zoo imprecisely left opened. I saw the lions. Elephant, tigers, leopard & est. scattered all over. As I am speaking to you now, my elders, I don’t know how many humans that have been devoured by these beasts. The kingdom is in great turmoil. Since our pets, our weapon of domination has become wild and difficult to handle.
Uwaila, an elder from one of the clans in the district stood up and said; “stop speaking to us in riddles Abu-Bakr. We don’t accept talking to us in such manner, since we don’t understand it. Tell us the story the way it is because we all know this empire as well as you does. And its very obvious that we don’t have a zoo in Akogah land so, were does the animals came from? Go straight to the point and unravel the riddles by yourself”.
Usman the vigilante chairman in his bid to assist or guide his boss, stood up and said, my elders, I think I understand what my leader, Abu-Bakr is trying to say. It is about Omene the youth leader who has assembled more than 500 youths from this kingdom to rebel against this legally constituted authority. We met them exhibiting treason against the leadership of Akogah empire, we went to him as we heard that he was infusing hatred in the hearts of the humble youths of Akogah, telling them that he has taking over leadership and that he is now the new leader of the land. He also said that the youth are not treated fairly and that it is the resources from their territorial environment or district alone that is impelling the entire Akogah Empire.
My leader l recognize that the chief security officer, Mr. Abu-Bakr told him to end the convention and convey his grievances to the authority through democratic means, but he rejected and continue his protest.
What do we do about this situation now my elders? Ask Anam the chairman of elders’ council.
Do we not know what to do? Exclaimed Abdu-karin the present leader of Akogah Empire! Get them all arrested of course and throw them into the cage, “All Of Them”. If Omene and his supporters are thrown into the dark room (prison), peace and tranquility will return back to this Empire.
But Alero stood up and commented; my people, my fathers, my elders, my well respected leader, I want us to understand that the people we are talking about here are our children, our brothers, our clansmen, our husbands the proposed future leaders of this great Akogah Empire. We ought not to harm them, we should not hurt them, we don’t even need to threaten them neither should we think of sending them to prison. Our responsibility is to know what their grievances are, and address it honourably. Our forefathers are watching, our ancestors are looking at every step we will take in respect of this development. Even our Akogah constitution may not be in support of such actions, if we critically read through-it, with enthusiasm and optimism. We will come to understand the extent and value of the content therein; if we know, we won’t even contemplate imprisoning our children for no just cause. Rather, to care for them and train them to work and walk in the way of our God.
Take her out! Oh!! Take Alero out of this hall. She’s not for us I’m certain that she must be a spy sent to convince us to succumb to the wishes of these children. Chanted Abdul–karin
This act of bully must stop! Said Osaro we are not sure we can take it anymore from anyone, not even from our well respected leader, Henceforth. We won’t be a part of these intimidations and bullying on elders because they don’t buy into our ideas which they were not made to understand. In any of our subsequent meetings, everyone should be given equal opportunity to speak-out his or her view. We don’t want to be intimidated, anymore, or being roboted.
We are elders’ statesmen, Honorable people in this land. Even the outside world fears us, why then should we begin to kill and roast ourselves for meal? Since Alero’s view was not inappropriate, I concur to it. Let us call our grieving youths and ask them what has resulted to this sudden change of attitude towards us their fathers and diligently address it.
Musa in hesitation to such idea, said in a roaring tone, “if they are really our children they must obey us. Our children are supposed to obey whatever we, their parents say and abide by all our resolutions”.
Uwaila cuts in and said I support Mrs. Alero and Mr. Osaro. Gone are those days when our children adhere to whatever we say. Everything has changed now. We should understand that the world is now a global community where everyone meet and discuss together their various problems and proffer solutions to it by themselves. Maybe our children have informed their friends about the way we have been treating them and someone else may have given them a solution we don’t like. I advice that we invite them and find out from them what their gripes are. Then we will know how well to put it right
Pa. Uwaila emphasizes the point by repeating “Let us call our children together and ask them what their grievances are! Let us show them real love in order for us to know what their annoyance is and the possible solutions we as parents can offer for it”.
Mr. Abdul-karin proved deaf ears to the suggestions and views of other elders in the meeting and started to puff up saying; I am in power now. And as the head of the leadership of this empire it is my duty to take any action I deemed fit to put everything in order. I am in power. The power belongs to us. We, from the Wabudu clan are the real owner of Akogah Empire. No one can stripe us of this right. Get Omene and his group Arrested and send them straight to prison.
Soon after the main conference, some elders were seen gathered in clusters probably reasoning and discussing on what next could happen in the land. By this time, the elders did not mingle together. Rather, they gather by clan, by tribe and by people. The focus is first on those from south-south the Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle Clans.
Pa Uwaila, Osaro and Alero were present; Alero was having the expression of fear as she was talking. She said! My brothers, I have seen both sides. In the Omene camp, there was bitterness all over him when he was narrating to us how he has been used all these while by our brothers from, Habekona, Noribalu and the wabudu clans, and to his eventual dumping. He said all the killings and maiming that has been going on in this empire was orchestrated by these evil brothers of ours, he said, they made the youth hate themselves. He even inform all present to take statistics of the people living in our surrounding communities and see that the number of older ones has outraged the younger people and this could be security danger for us.
He mentioned that if these people don’t hate us so much, why should they taunt the people from our province to this extent, was it because he was privileged to serve as a leader in this empire? Do you not see the pressure, threat and tension they set on him? For just the first time we have been privileged to have our clansman in the seat of leadership in Akogah empire, they did not even allow him to finish his tenure. They connive with other community leaders through alliance bond to forcefully eject him from his office.
Abdul-karin emphatically told me that we are not born to sit in that seat of leadership of Akogah Empire. Abu-Bakr once ask me whether I know why he was made the Defense chairman of this empire, he told me that it was because they have a plan to ensure that everyone in the entire nation learn and start speaking their own language alone.
Not when I’m still alive pa Osifo vowed. That can never happen in my time. Are you sure Omene told you all these? Elders let consult Omene and get fact from him Mr. Osaro suggested……

Chapter 3
A Tyrant Ruler Arrives
A group of persons were seen trying to enter the main conference hall of Akogah land, but were prevented by the door keeper who told them that he has received an order not to allow people from Edunero, Ibokele and Yorinle clans to have access to the hall henceforth, till further notice.
My Elders! You can now see that they are beating the drum of war said Mabel. We will tell them that we know the beat and that we have already practiced how to dance to it. This is indeed the arrival of a tyrant ruler
My children please don’t let us do it the violent way. Let us go under the belebo tree and discuss. Uwaila suggested. As they were all comfortably seated, Mr. Uwaila ask! “Omene, is it really true that you told Alero that this new leader of our great land, (Akogah Empire), Mr. Abdul-karin really instigated you against our former head of this empire?” Mr. Nickfallow Decki? Or is it really true that (Mr. Abdul-karin) employs you to fight and killed other youths in this empire and the other surrounding nations?
Omene responded… Our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters if you let someone take your covering away, you’ll remain naked. For long we have displayed more love for others than ourselves, hence we are now being looked down upon, by the same people we extended hand of love to.
I, Omene have been used by these instigants and human butchers, our enemies we call, brothers; these people that pretends to be our clansmen but who have brutalized me and my people. Including my own brothers, my blood, unknowingly to me. I didn’t initially know that I have been doing wrong to myself by dancing to their music of using me to cause harm to my people. They made me believe that greediness is a good quality and that it’s a normal way of life. They presented a well packaged misrepresented human flesh to me as cow meat. I allow them to buy me over with just a seed of groundnut, after which they used me to cause separations among many communities; including my own people. YES! I have been an instrument that was used to vandalize the government of our brother! My brother. I joined the team who forcefully removed him from the well esteemed seat of the leadership of Akogah Empire. I didn’t know I will suffer the penalty.
I was a propaganda used to label all kind of lie against our former leader. I made all the clan heads be disloyal to him when the emergency election was held; I was used as extinguisher to extinguish the light of truth in that election. Do you know that cows, goats and sheep even went to the poll to vote for Abdul-Karin, although I have realized my error now, but it is too late, and in a hard way too. I feel sorry now, I really feel ashamed. I wish I can see my former head of Akogah land, Mr. Nickfallow Decki and apologize to him this moment.
My elders; there are many things going on in this empire that you don’t know. Do you people not wonder the way they turned the leadership of our own brother against him, they twist his entire loyalist to beam bad eyes on him; they made the people he has helped reject him? You see the way they turn election into a field of war? Did you people not know who our brother, our former leader and his entire families are? Have they ever been violent or misguided in the way they do their things? Is the entire families of this our brother not one of the most peaceful, humble and trustworthy family in this kingdom? The one most of us wish to emulate? Do you people not wonder the kind of turn of event we experience in his last days as a leader of this great empire? What do you deduce from this inequitable turn-of-event?
I was an instrument used by Abdul-Karin to perpetrate his evil intentions. He promised to make me the secretary to his government when he ultimately becomes the leader. I successfully performed all assigned task hoping to reap the fruit of my labour.
But immediately he was sworn in as the leader of this land, he turned his presence to his people. He never had anything to do with me anymore. Forgetting that none of them were available for him to be used when he wished to achieve his objectives. When I ask him what is going on, he told me that me and my people are slaves and that we are not meant to occupy any important position in his government. He even mentioned that within a short time he will remove all our tribesmen from the elders’ council. He also promised to extinguish our people from the security and defense sector, from the strategic and economy management department and from the resource control supervision board.
Stop! Shouted Osifo …….. Omene, why! Why!! Why!!!
You sold us to our enemy for a very low price; the price of a peanut…. you undermine the importance and privileges of your people and your clan! What do we do now to reclaim our possession Omene? What do we do now Omene to get our inheritance back before they strike us?
In our bid to overcome these enemies, we need to go back to our brother Mr. Nickfallow Decki the past head of Akogah land to join and help us! We will plead with him to join us in this struggle for freedom. God has given him the key to extinguish the fire our Habekona, Noribalu and Wabudu brothers are setting. We know that they are out to oust us out of our own land. To seize our inheritance from us. They intend to turn us into fugitive in our own home, and claim the ownership of it. If not our well esteemed brother Prof. Nickfallow Decki the former head of this empire, I’m very sure no one else could have been able to lead us to this battle and succeed. So, let us go and beg him for forgiveness. He will forgive us because he knows that all we did to him was not intentional, we were lured to it by our enemies who claimed to be our brothers.

Chapter 4
How The Repression Was Cooked
In the main conference Hall of Akogah Empire, I saw Abdul-Karin, Abubakar, Anam, Musa, Usman, Yusuf, Salami and Mamud. They were all seated with the enthusiasm. Like persons who believed that those who hold the dagger and guns are stronger and is in good position to win any battle than those that are in possession of just the pen.
My people, you are all welcome to this special private meeting said Abdul-Karin. You are all great people, successful people and determined people. When I was playing a prostitute game with those Edunero, Ibokele and Yorinle people that are forcing themselves to be our brother, most of you here were very angry and thought I don’t know what I was doing, you have seen that child’s play has become adult mercy.
I told you people before the election that they can be easily hoodwinked. I also mentioned that they are unreasonable and unintelligent, greedy and hungry people but you jilted me. I remembered I also made you know that they can even offer their lives for just a Messenger’s seat in our cabinet but you people doubted me also. I have once asked our by-force brothers in one of our General Meetings that when this empire was negotiated for about 55 years ago, who does the Commissioner Of Locals, and Communities (CLC) gave the setting up certificate to? They were looking at me like zombie. Was it not my people? They couldn’t answer.
My brothers, in reality, the request letter written through the Commissioner of state formations to the Commissioner of Locals and Communities, to set up this empire was actually conceived and written specifically by the Edunero People?
Except that, they did not follow up. So, when it was time issue out the staff of independence, our forefathers lobbied and make sure the symbol of authority was given to them. Of course you know that, it’s where the certificate is that the power is. That was why we lay claim to the power, since then. But most of the Edunero people don’t know this.
The traitors we have here are neither the Edunero nor the Ibokele people; it is the Yorinle’s. They are rats; they bite you and at the same time, blow soft air in it, so that you don’t feel any pain.
My people said Yusuf; we should respect and honour our brother Abdul-Karim for a work well done. I never believed that, that stubborn leader from the Edunero clan will ever leave that sit for us at this time, and in the simplest way he does it Do you not see that they were almost co-operating against us? I salute your courage, your zeal and your action. All has played to put you at the seat of the leader once again.
As the chairman of Elders council of Akogah land, I know that the agreement we had with our tribesmen in other communities and the one we reached when we held our last community grade meeting will soon be talk about. But I’m well aware that we won’t respect it since I will never give them any seat in the height of leadership of my government. Instead, I’ll be given them excuses. Do you not know that we were almost going to face eviction from our international brothers as a sanction for not paying our due in time, said Anam.
Yusuf mentioned that the payment date is not yet due anyway. That was why every one of us did our best to make sure no matter what it will cost us; we must take power by force, in order to have access to the money we will use to renew our membership.
Do you now see why we imported foreigners from our neighboring nations, especially children to help make up the number of votes we required so that we can take up the seat of power of Akogah land. How could we have been able to meet up with such population to outrage our people from the other side? When reasonable number of our people has been swallowed up by the earth because of rioting and killings of our people? As the Community Outside Representative Chairman (C.O.R.C) of Akogah land, I have been called to several meeting by our People’s Own Conference Board (P.O.C.B) to know whether we can still continue as a member of that body or not. They told me that if a stranger continues to be in the seat of leadership of our great and wonderful empire, we should never think of continuing to be a member of the congress neither should we think of holding any responsible position there. Because of this challenge, and since we know that it may be very difficult to carry out our plans if we allow the current government to continue, and he may never wish to pay our dues which if not paid in a few years from now, all elder statesmen from our clans are in trouble. You see the reason all of us needed to work together against the former leader? We deceived him. We played it hot on him. His people are visionless people. I’m really sorry for that gentle man.
Have you also forgotten that in our last People Own Conference Board meeting we held, that we were charged to make sure we don’t create loop-holes in our government system by given any important appointment to the Zombis we call our brothers, in case we wins, they said. They e should make sure our loyalist occupy all relevant positions of authority like the defense, finance, power, mineral resources, information, and other sensitive seat in our government. But in order not to create suspicion, we can just give them seat in the open-cover sector. There they don’t have any meaningful impact. Except that they will be implementing our harsh laws against their own people for our advantages.
Having said all these my leaders, the ball is now in your court. If you give me and my group (the Vigilante Group) go ahead to take the necessary action against those rascals, we will carry out the assignment with utmost humility and in a diligent manner in order to protect and defend this government, and our territory.

Chapter 5
The Trick Has Been Leaked.
Elders and youth of Edunero, Yorinle and Ibokele people are seen putting heads together and reasoning on how to unravel the riddles already set by their brothers in power. Joined with the elders, are Alero, Omene, Uwaila, Mabel, Chukwuma, Adeyinka, Osaro, Yetunde.
Adeyinka the special adviser to the elders’ council stood up to address the gathering. He said! “I have heard about the internal war that has risen recently in this our great empire, one can feel the heat from it even from a distance. I’m envisaging that if care is not taking, and if proper caution is not observed, this may send many people to their untimely death. Therefore, I deemed it fit to be in this gathering today in order to offer some words of advice to my people on how to avoid this impending commotion.
Yetunde responded by asking Pa. Adeyinka what he was talking about that others don’t know? You are talking about internal community clash and others.  Who actually is facing this situation?
Why do you pretend, retorted Omene, are you not aware that our brother, the former head of Akogah Empire was forcefully removed from office by some curious and furious people from the Habekona, Noribalu and the Wabudu clan? Are you not aware that they ask me to buy a diesel for them which they poured around some of the clans in their area and set fire on it, to my amazement they credited the havoc to the government of our brother Mr. Nickfallow Decki Where you not also an active tool in the hand of Abdul-Karin the very person who coordinated the importation of foreigners to mess up our growing democracy? Were you not with Abdul-karin the very day he called me to his sitting room and promised the seat of the Secretary of Akogah land, if he wins? Where you not there when he pleaded with me to instigate the loyalist of our former leader against him and his nascent government system, in order for them to betray him in the election? Weren’t you the one that joined him (Abdul-karin) to plead with me to assist him get the seat, knowing how desperate he was to get hold of it? Why are you pretending as if you don’t know what is happening. Have you not served in that seat before? Do you not know the complication associated with it? Will you sincerely say you don’t know what out brother! Your brother, Prof. Nickfallow Decki was actually facing with the powerful people that claimed to own this empire? Where you not an instrument to pull our brother away from there because you feel he was not playing to all your tunes of dictate to him?
Mabel trips in and said…. Baba Yetunde, help us Ask Pa. Adeyinka! Is it True? All these allegation Omene is leveling against you, is it really true?
Alero cried out loudly ……. And said, if what Omene has just said is true, we are finished.
We have lost our fancy, we have lost our beauty, we have lost our pride, and we have lost our everything. We have been doomed. This is not a problem that started today so, we may also not be able to end it now. But what should our next line of action be? Uwaila ask.
Pa. Adeyinka got furious and exploded in words……… it is true that I master minded the forceful remover of our former leader, our own brother, our clansman, what wrong have I done? What section of our law have I contravened?
Before this whole incident of taking side with these wabudu, Noribalu and the Habekona people started, did I not called our brother the former head of Akogah and warned him of the impending dangers? Was he not aware of the situation and relationship between all the clans & communities that make up this great Akogah Empire? Wasn’t he aware of what was expected from him from his people? Are you people not aware of all the errors he was making? Do you not know that he was not listening to anyone anymore? Have you forgotten about the wonderful role I played, the tedious risk I took, and how many enemies I contained because I work for our child to come into power and repair things for us in this nation?
Have you forgotten the game I played just to succeed in my plan of giving power to our people? You people must understand that when I, the leader in that seat everybody fears me, they respect me, they believed me and they obeyed me. But because I put myself on the position to give my people a sense of belonging I became a scape goat and people that were formally in trepidation when they see me, now look down on me. Because whenever I advise our past leader he does not listen to me.
We the elder’s statesmen of Akogah land comprehend all you did to ensure our people have a taste of the power at the peak. We know the risk, the pain and stress you pass though just to allow the child of the owner have a taste of his father’s inheritance said Osifo, but does that warrant that you expose you sheep to the wolves because they disobeys you?
Madam Alero in her wisdom suggested “my people, if the last information about someone is bad”, it will take a patience person a very long time to think about the many good he had done before. Therefore, even if you was the one that fought or do everything to make our past leader taste the position of leadership, Pa. Adeyinka, the thing you have done now to fight against the same person you claimed you help to rise, to fall again, has proved that you never did anything good for Prof. Nickfallow Decki We are now in a new era of things. You agreed that you work towards the fall of our brother, meaning you can also work towards the fall of all of us.
Our people demand a sincere apology from you, Pa. Uwaifo cuts in. And you must be commissioned to lead the way to go and meet our former leader and plead with him for his forgiveness. we have been so informed that with our brother Professor Nickfallow in our mist, we can change this situation of things with ease.
I must not forget to mention here that when someone is at the seat of power, there are certain things he/she must not do. Except when you’re out of that esteemed seat. At this junction, Mabel cut in again saying….. my people! The rulership of this empire has been revolving around a particular circle of the same people for long, and we have always been affected negatively by the style of these various past leaders. I wonder why all of us here are blaming only our past head of Akogah Empire of one error or another. Is it in his time the problems we are facing presently started, even our present head of Akogah, our brother Abdul Karin, when he ruled this kingdom before was it not these same problems he was solving? But how old was our dear brother Nickfallow Decki then?
Take note that these new dictators you have struggled to help get the seat from us now already had a record that is unpalatable to the people, this system and the society. This would have given us a glimpse of what kind of person we have ignorantly decided to place in the seat of power, in Akogah empire. Or do you think he has changed?

Chapter 6
Enemy In The Family
For instance, continued Mabel when Abdul-Karin, our present ruler previously ruled in this empire as the Head of Akogah previously, do you people not remember how our farmers, fishermen, hunters, teachers, students and other people relying on the currency of this nation were badly treated? Have you forgotten so soon how they were paused from activities and put in the position of inactivity because of the tempering Abdul Karin made to the nation’s currency? Take note that this singular action eventually send many people from township to the interior villages. Our children were stripped of their right to enjoy  governmental benefits in their various government tertiary institutions? Have you also forgotten that every citizen of Akogah land were made to face the hardest times they have never experience before at that time? If we want to talk about all the pains and agony he inflicted on the citizens and the terror he made them pass through, it may be a tale that might never clean away from the hearts of those that experienced it. In the heart of these memorable anecdotes, people ignorantly decided to choose him again to take charge over the nation’s resources. Probably, they thought he has turned a new leaf because a long time has passed and the time is enough for someone to be refined.
Forgiveness being a key that can bond people together, may be what makes the people not to remember that what may be in the cooking that has not properly been cooked previously probably may be what is been properly processed now for the people to share and taste from.  From the look of things does it seem that there is hope that we are not going to face another hard time? If possible hardest time? My people I know that as a woman, I don’t have the final say. But I advice that we take the right step in the right direction now by listening to Omene’s suggestions and work with it.
Enough is enough shouted Uwaila what actually did Pa. Adeyinka say our humble brother Professor Nickfallow Decki did that made them took side with Abdul-karin and his camp against us. What kind of stubbornness did he display? Whom and which advice did he not listens to? CRAB! CRAB!! CRAB!!! That is what we are. We couldn’t get there and we are not allowing any one among us, willing to, to get there. We become hindrance, impediment and setback to a determined and a very successful democrat like Professor Nickfallow Decki, our own blood; our own brother to get there.
We shouldn’t have washed our dirty cloths outside for public to see; we would have applied a little patience, caution and intelligence in order to systematically take the matter home and address. But papa Adeyinka chooses to sell his birthright for just red pottage. It is unfortunate.
With this singular act that Papa Adeyinka has exhibited, the whole people of Edunero, Ibokele and the Yorinle’s has been relegated, our honor has been stripped off from us, we have deprived ourselves of this great opportunity that we may never get cheaply again. With this act of naïveté, we have practically proved to the world that we are not better than Esau that sold his birthright for a plate of red pottage. Nonetheless, this is a challenge. A very big challenge for the Ibokele’s, Edunero’s and the Yorinle’s, to prove that we are capable of handling that seat of leadership, by coming together again to work together towards making sure that we have the right to be in charge of our own assets, (our mineral resources).
I want to use this privilege to advice all our statesmen that When some things that seem strange happens to you, don’t feel pained initially. Instead, reflect thoroughly on it and find out the best possible way to overcome it. Always believe that without overcoming these obstacles, you may never realize who you really are, and you may never identify the true potentials in you. You may also never know the quality of strength, the will power or the kind of good heart you posses. However, with what you experienced in your trying times, you’ll perceive that everything happens for your good. They did not occur by chance or by error.
The facts that are now very visible and clear to our vision, are:- illness, injuries, hunger pains, moment of grieve, obesity of stupidity, spirit of hatred and injustices we now experience would not have been an incident of boo-boo, it is a precept design.  And this is a clear evidence that the path to our present destination is rough. This is to show that an Edunero man has been forcefully removed from the seat of power and that it is now the Wabudu son that is there.  It is as clear to us now that we are facing serious problems in this land and that this is just the beginning of pains and agonies we’re going to be experiencing henceforth in Akogah land if these people keep being our ruler. This is clear evidence that there were things our own blessed brother has been covering so that many people will get comfort. These are not mere occurrence to test our ability and patience, it is a pre-design development already packaged to be unleash on us as a revenge for ever trying to test the seat of power in Akogah Empire.
As this script is being played, it confirms that the present predicament we now face within this power seeking ulcer is a character written and given to artiste to put into action. Good enough, many already know where the truth is and what truth and reality stand for. But what should these happenings prompt us to do?
Mabel Exclaimed! “To Take Action Of Course”. This shows us the reason we should mend our ways and reconcile with our brothers and sisters in order to take over the position of protecting and securing our territorial borders and authoritatively controlling our God given resources by ourselves. We must do all these things I’ve just mentioned. One of which we should take charge “by ourselves” because; no one else may earnestly be able to do it for us.
We must know now that the entire security arm in this empire belongs to them. Because they chose to be in possession of both the Daggers and the Guns, why they simply or tentatively left the pen with us. The Army, Police Force, Navy the Air Force, all of them are working for the Wabudu’s, Noribalu’s and the Habekona’s.
This becomes real when in most occasion you see these security people with their apparatus stand and watch as our fathers, mothers brothers and sisters, children, our houses and even our farms are being destroyed by these enemy brothers. We are very sure that if we make professional use of the pen left to us, we shall overcome them.
STOP! STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!! Mabel shouted….. TIME is not on our side anymore, we must resolve to face them headlong now and tell them to their face that if they need the ruler ship, they can take, But on our side we need independent from them. Our God has already mapped out the land with his permanent marker which is so clear that everyone already know his own boundary.  “LET THEM GO AND LEAVE US ALONE IN PEACE”.

Chapter 7
They Must Leave Us Alone
IN ANOTHER PURPOSEFUL GATHERING OF THE EDUNERO, IBOKELE AND THE YORINLE ELDERS; Alero, in her usual mild tune said; “we are content with the size and type of land we have. Our land is fertile and productive. We love our brothers and sisters that God has given to us; because they are hospitable, loving and liberal, we even tried our best to show sincere love to these people that claimed to be our brothers. Instead of reciprocating our love, they rather prefer to be sucking our precious blood. Despite that, we still decided to accommodate them and be hospitable to them, believing they are ignorant of that act. But what do we get in return? They repay us with abhorrence by taking over our rights and inheritance, they maimed us, they drove us away from our homes and set it on fire, and they pursue us as far to our farms. And right there, they rape our wives in our very presence, killed our husbands, they even make their animal make love to our beautiful daughters, after which they feed their animals with the produce from our farms’ they take over our inheritance by force, they make us refugee in our own land. “THEY MUST LEAVE US ALONE OR WE LEAVE THEM FOR GOOD”
Come to think of it, said Uwaila…. Do you force someone to become your brother or friend when he/she is not willing to? Can you make a total stranger your brother when both of you were not given birth to by the same parents? Should you force someone to live with you against his wish? Will you force a donkey to the river and also force it to drink water because you own it?
OH! What a world, where the people you gave hope only turn round to repay you with frustration, someone you assisted by allowing them to live in your home since they need help, eventually turn around and lay hold on the ownership of your building.
 Mohammed Abdul Karin and his people claimed they are in possession of the sword and guns and left the pen in our possession. We still did not complain because we knew quiet well that pen is not an ammunition that you cannot use it to kill someone.
Understanding our simplicity on this matter, they have brought battle to us in our own homes. They did this because since we don’t have guns neither swords. They brought battle, so, how can we defend ourselves without any kinds of weapon since they are in possession of both the guns and the swords? Come to think of it, if both the swords and guns are put together can they really defeat us that have the pen if we actually make professional use of it?
Omene cried out from behind! My fathers and mothers, all your sayings are correct. These words are very excellent and candid. In fact they are wise sayings. REALLY! The Words Of Our Fathers. But what we must understand is that these cunning brothers of ours has captured us and wish to treat us like a crocodile, they are now trying to open our mouth very wide to the extent that our jaws will be broken. If they succeed, won’t we all die? It’s clear and accepted that we have made errors in the past but now that we’ve realize it and are looking for ways to amend our past mistakes that has led us to this verge of destruction, if we don’t take proper action now and very quickly too, our districts will be wiped out of history. Do you know that l, Omene, is like a slave in my own father’s house; my father’s servants are now sending me on errand and if I reject, they’ll flog nonsense out of me. They have resorted to using a very long whip to flog gibberish from my skull always. They even call me by strange names. The names my parents never gave to me. These ones are supposed to be the servants my father originally employed to serve me. They have succeeded in turning me to the slave of the house.
My fathers and mothers, remember I told you earlier what they made me do. There are lots of mistakes we must start correcting, and it should start from now. Because now, they are angry and very bitter with some of us since many of us which previously serves as (their tool) have realized our mistakes and denounced them. Whoever can or wish to, should please take me by hand and lead me to my Brother that I have foolishly offended. I’m yearning to see him face to face, one on one, hearth to hearth, so that I can apologize to him. I want to go and confess all the atrocities I carry out against him, and seek for his genuine forgiveness.
If he pardons me, I will tell him many ills I’m aware of that these evil brothers of ours wish to accomplish against him. These acts are expected to be get-done a few periods from now.
I have pleaded guilty to you My Fathers! My Mothers! My brothers, sisters, and our wives. Nothing else is reserved except that the Habekona’s, Wabudu’s and the Noribalu people are just paid actors that depend on a script written by other professionals, which we’re far better than. If my father, the former head of Akogah Empire really forgive me, I will help him to rewrite the script and allow them to play in accordance to our wish. They won’t know when I’ll change the original script they have, with the one that contains our desire. I can make the power of the script be in our authority. I can make the actions change to any type of motion we wished. Why we also use them as the actors to play what we have in the papers as I earlier promised.     My people! They are noise makers. They don’t know anything; they can only strive where there is no law. For us to quickly and easily subdue them we should try to make our laws effective and they are gone.
Yes I know that they have a mission. To think of it, why should I not know it anyway when I’ve been with them for such a long time, and even work for them? Helping them to plan coup against my own blood brother and doing everything to make their wish materialize.
My People! Don’t Fear! Don’t Even Panic. If they want it as war, we will package it beautifully and present it to them; I’m very sure they won’t reject it. Since they appreciate beautiful things. But if they request for peace, we will also be able to give it to them, as their soul does desire. The most important tool we need now to quicken our victory is UNITY, TOGETHERNESS, and Absolute SINCERITY within our fold.
I, Omene am assuring you my people. Don’t Fear! Let’s hold a common cord and cling to it tightly without consenting to any loop-hole that may make our enemy penetrate us. Since they can never penetrate us if they don’t have a space to link in to us, with this workable tool in our safekeeping, we will eventually become a victor.

Chapter 8
The Battle Proper
As a follow up to the ongoing in the land of Akogah, Mr. Abdul-Karin the present leader has summoned all the elders and office holders in Akogah to an emergency meeting which was well attended.
In the meeting, he gave an assurance to all present that his tenure as the leader and chief security officer of the empire, will not tolerate any kind of bridge of security within and around Akogah territory. According to him, (Abdul-karin) he is prepared to make life uncomfortable for anyone that posed a threat to the nation, but to make it sweet for every good citizen of this empire, who humbly follow all what he says.
But I want to assure you today that I desire to make this promise to my people which I would like all elders present in this meeting to carry along with them to the various districts and clans they represent and distribute the information’s to all his or her clansmen”. He continued; the only enemies I have in this empire are those that argue with me and my authority, those that contend with my power and those that feels I’m cheating on them. I will not take it lightly with these ones. Abdul-karin threatens
I am given a direct order today to the defense department to get rid of anyone that fits in to the description I gave earlier. Abdul-karin continued… “I permit them to insert every kinds of pain within the reach of the vigilante on anyone who makes him/herself an intruder. They should even throw them into prison without initiating legal suite against them. Let them understand that no one challenges my authority and still remain free”.
Mabel got up to speak. She said, “My Fathers, Brothers, and Clansmen! I thank you all for giving me an opportunity to be among you in this crucial meeting today. Our dear Leader, all what you have said is true. Although I am the youngest in this meeting and I am in the youth wing of this administration, nevertheless, I have my youth to also report the outcome of this great conference to. Therefore I want to make my voice heard, I want to make my thoughts known, and I want to make one thing very clear.”
“Our leader, Mr. Abdul-karin we voted you into power to lead us and not to rule us”, we………
STOP! chanted Abdul-karin ………… take her away from this gathering, Abu-Bakr and if possible throw her into the dark room until she learn that people don’t talk to me that way. And I believe others will learn from that lesson as they speak.
Mabel was taken away by the security …………………….
That is a nice step in the right direction my leader, such action shows how determined and prepared you are to take us to the promise land. Said Adamu.
Mr. Uwaila got up and ask a very simple question; “What is the bad word our daughter Mabel have spoken? What authority has she actually disobeyed? What crime have she committed to warrants such inhuman treatment? Why should she be treated like a slave? Have you forgotten all she has done to make your coming into power become a reality? I want to call on our Father Aderemi who puts all required machineries together to set up this party, to wake us and rise to these challenges that will soon tear this party and the entire empire to pieces and if possible break up the pillars that holds the four corners of this great empire.” Mr. Abdul-Karin our dear leader, you should give an order instructing Abu-Bakr to return Mabel, our Daughters back to this meeting hall because she has not done anything contrary to the rule of law in this land.
Chukwuma the youth secretary got up and greeted all in attendance. I greet you all my fathers, mothers, our brothers, our wives and our leader, the great Abdul-Karin. The hard writing on the wall is very clear! It looks like a battle not in the field; but in the home. If you put a pot on the stove or gas and you do not light it up, whatever is in the pot will not boil. Therefore, there’s fire boiling up what is happening in this empire presently. We should strive to identify and quench it now, before it escalates. I said so because what my sister Mabel just said would have been the best thought to be reasoned on. And reasoning on it together would have aid us to arriving at a compromise which may have completely solved the whole problem foaming up and causing division among us in this great Akogah Empire. Our leader Abdul-Karin we do not vote you in to RULE us; rather, to lead us. I want all our elders and the mind bowing persons present here to practically reason on this statement. Help me check whether these words I speak stinks, Does it really sting? Is it an affront? Is it an exasperating statement? Please great men and women with booming mind, do you not think it is our tribe, our culture to always avert the truth?
Oh! We are outcast already, we have been given the dress of a slave to put on ………. We have already been looked at as enemy. I thought by now I would have been tied to a stake and shot to death instantly. Or better still, be hung on a tree to rot away. Where is Mabel? Did she say up to what I have just spoken? Oh! Poverty breeds evil. Has it been design that if you come from Edunero Clan, Ibokele Clan or Yorinle Clan that you are a Taboo.
Our Father Aderemi you are here present. Humbly representing yourself and observing what is going on in this well honoured and respected empire.
 Oh! Should it be your time? Oh! Should this be the reward anyone can get for a work well done? Have we the indigenes of this land not done well for you by allowing your party take power at this time? Is it really true as speculated in many quarters that you are still a crèche in this system? One of the vigilante hurried in and inform the leader of Akogah Mr. Abdul-Karin that Mabel wish to make just one point before she could be finally thrown into he cage. “I will not grant that request because the dark room is where she belongs to for making such un-palatable statement to and elder statesman like me. In fact I have dissolved the youth wing” said Mr. Abdul-Karin.
Our leader! You have all the powers said Papa Adeyemi to Abdul-Karin but you don’t have all the authority to conclude without fist consulting the Senior Elders Council. Papa Aderemi excused the leader, Abdul-Karin. When they came back, Mr. Abdul-Karin instructed the security to lead Mabel back o the hall on her request.

Chapter 9
I Will Finish My Talk
As Mabel came back to the hall, she thanked everyone seated then directed her attention to Mr. Abdul-Karin and said “I thank you so much my leader for granting my request. The reason I made this request that I should be released for a while is to make a difference, to leave an indelible mark in the hearts of my people, to make history, so that In the future, someone will rise and say, Mabel said it before, that such a thing will happen” “Please my father and leaders, do you permit me to make this remark?”
“My daughter we are very sorry for the embarrassment we caused you” said Papa Aderemi Politely, we didn’t mean to hurt you and we didn’t brought you out on your request because we wont send you back there to the dark room again. We didn’t bring you out just to make this remark you requested, rather! We ask you to come out because you don’t belong there. Nevertheless, if you have anything to tell us, we are listening”.
“I thank you so much big daddy. May you live long and see how great and successful every one of us will be. Please every body listens carefully to me: I have heard so much! I have seen so many atrocities being committed; I have wondered why we become so wicked to ourselves. I have learned my lesson. Bad things may start somewhere but don’t always end where it started. But I want you all to remember this day that those we relied on have failed us. Our elders who are supposed to be Mild tempers and gentle have become wicked and wild, they are even more violent than the youths. The people we tell our secret have turn around to expose us in the market place. Those we lie down together with in the same room as brothers and relations have gotten up in the middle of the night to open our door for robbers and kidnappers to come in. Oh!
What a life? A life of betrayal and deceit, a life where when someone known’s he’s wrong, instead of feeling sorry, he exonerate himself by force.
My elders, fathers, brothers, husbands and our leaders, do you know that we the Edunero’s, Yorinle’s, and Ibokele’s have been made miserable by our own blood brothers? Do you know that we have been disenfranchised for long? By our clansmen, our relatives. Even in our miserable state, our brothers do not allow us to reach our natural lifespan. They cut our lives short either through terrorism or by the cover of herdsmen. This is a challenge for us the Ibokele’s, Edunero’s and Yorinle’s. But whom do we challenge? Is it our brothers the Habekona’s, the Noribalu, or the Wabudu brothers that has been taunting us since the founding of this great empire? We are well aware that our other brothers have divided this nation and named the three clans that belong to them; Wabudu, Noribalu and Habekona the ARERE people. While the Ibokele, Yorinle and Edunero are tagged as, the UTARI people. We agree!
You understand quiet well my respected leader Mr. Abdul-Karin that our well knowledgeable father from the Edunero clan was the person that single handedly commence the process of calling for freedom from our foreign oppressors to the World Authority to intervene in our case. An Edunero man, our great grand father (papa Nico Immanuel Ada) actually starting the fight for freedom from them. But because of the genuineness, love of goodness and hospitality of our great grand fathers, now our deities, towards all, they pretended not to be aware while one of the sons of Arere people cunningly went behind our father and collected the power of attorney; the symbol of authority, of this empire, from the white men.
Do you our Utari people know what we represent in the eyes of the Arere people? We are just like a cart! A FARM HORSE!! They use us to carry any kind of load from one destination to another and when they are done with us, they throw us out. It is very clear now that all the pains and misfortune we the Utari people have been facing in this empire is as a result of their not willing to work and walk with us as their brothers and sisters. To be frank with you my fathers, my elders, no one of you is free from the claws of these tyrants we call our brothers. The only people they freely wish to live with in this empire are they themselves and their immediate family members. But I assure you, they will never succeed. My people are you afraid to join voice with me to ask our ruler Mr. Abdul-Karin why he chooses to throw me into that dark room they call prison? Where someone can not even see the tip of his finger. As I was in that prison room, there were bones and the carcasses of people that have already rot away there without fair justice. There were also many still gnashing their teeth and wailing, pleading for mercy to be given freedom. I am well aware that these are people who were thrown in there because they spoke the truth. But for certainty do they really belong there? NO! on this basis, I believe we need justice in this regard. Come to think of it, do I deserve to be taking from a conference hall were I attended to the call of the head of my empire as an executive/representative of the youth wing to one dark room constructed by a fellow citizen just to overawe others? You all should look closely into my eyes please, and tell me whether my eyelid are not already swollen. It was as a result of the passionate cry I was crying for the innocent thrown into the darkroom because they don’t have anyone to fight for them. I was not crying for myself because I am practically sure that people are there to fight for me.
Papa Adeyemi, do you know that all these are happening in your very eyes and you seem not to be aware of it? I now realize what the white-man mean when he says “Tell me your friend and I will tell you the kind of person you are” for sincerity, none of you my elders are safe in this hand of this dictator who calls himself OUR RULER. He’s just waiting for your own time to come and when it comes, NO MERCY. He prefers to throw you into the grave he calls…. PRISON.
MR. Abdul-Karin flouts our laws with impunity. He finds pleasure in spilling the blood of the innocent ones, he maim and kills people for game. He serves as a judge in his own case; he commands and directs all matters for his favour. OH! Is this the land our fore fathers fought for? Was this the actual reason behind the setting up of this empire? Our ruler Mr. Abdul-karin is happy when others are grieving. The Arere people have succeeded in making all the Utari people ignorant of what true happiness is. They have made us miserable and turned us to slave in our own father’s house. Is this not the plain truth?
REVOLUTION! Yes the only way out is a revolution. My people even if we delay it now,  I want you to put it on memoir that a day like this in history, I, Mabel one of the daughters of Utari from the Edunero clan once spoke about it that it is only rebellion that can vindicate the Utari people from the Arere people of Akogah empire. Unless everyone of us are made to live under the law. That’s (we should let the laws and constitution of our land to streamline all activities taking place in the land). You must put a seal to it that I am the mother of the revolution that acquitted the Utari people from the claws of Arere people. Rebellion or the law/constitution alone is the solution. We must chose one out of these two.
Why do we suffer? Why do we get hungry? Why are we not able to send our children to good schools? Why do you think majority of our people are very poor? Is it because nature wants it so? Is it because we don’t have enough resources to care for ourselves? NO! These are not the reasons. I could say a million times that the reason is far from these. Because, our land is very fertile, our climate is favourable, we have abundant resources that are enormously greater enough to feed all sons and daughters of this land and even go as far as taking care of all the surrounding nations. Our resources can expediently take care of us to the extent that we will be living in comfort and dignity. But now, what has happened? What has really gone wrong?
I rest my case. My fathers, my elders, I thank you so much for giving me this great opportunity to speak my mind.

Chapter 10
Why They Were Summoned
My children, my people, my clansmen, I have heard you all. From your various complaints, I will make up time to sort them out with our able leader, together! We will address your plight. I would love to speak on it now, but I have just been informed that my presence is needed urgently in another gathering. I will leave you now and relate with you later said Papa Aderemi.
 The news of the detention of Mabel has spread across the whole territory of Akogah like a wild fire and every youth in the kingdom quickly summon themselves for a reprisal protest. The protest move commences and they were already moving towards The Strong House where the head of Akogah Empire lives. In the various postcard held by the protesters were written: Enough Is Enough! We won’t allow you detain us unjustly, anymore….. Mabel is an angel! She needs to be respected….. Abdul-karin, you are a ruler; not a leader….. You must go and leave us in peace…..Are you sure you are from Akogah land, Abdul-karin?..... Is it ideal for you to use our resources to fight against us?..... This is the Last Fight.
As they were moving close to the Rock House, called The Strong House, they met Mabel coming towards them from the main seminar conference hall where the meeting was held. She was walking majestically towards her folks that have embarked on a journey to remove her from the dark room. She appeared so fulfilled and satisfied. The smile in her face has sent the message that all is well and when you look her directly in the eyes, you see the real appearance of an angel. She looks more beautiful and succulent than before.
Mabel happily ran towards them and thanked them for embarking on such a dangerous adventure just to show solidarity for her. She embraces the youth chairman of Akogah empire, ‘Omene’ who was also the congregator of the peaceful protest. Omene ask Mabel…. Is everything alright? Are you O.K? Do they do any harm to you? Do they mishandle you? No my youth leader…. Everything is just very fine. I have done my part. The long desired seed has been planted, I know it’s going to grow very well and fatty too, and it will produce good fruits.
As the youth were about to turn back, they saw their elders coming back from the meeting and in a very sorrowful mode walking slowly and looking dejected. They were probably discussing among themselves the way they were ask out of the Rock House.
Omene ran to them and ask, my father, my leaders, is anything wrong? Were you treated badly? Do they hurt you? Are you O.K? We are very O.K our children, we will definitely put things back to its place. Let us go back home.
Mr. Abdul-Karin summons all Arere Leaders to an express special meeting in his Executive Conference Hall. You are all welcome my diligent and well respected nobles. I summon you here to thank you for your support since the onset of this battle. But it surprises me to know that the illiterates learnt about our plan to do a distinct separation between them and us. They even know the name we proposed, accepted it and even start applying it before us.
Are you not sure we have been fooled? Do you not think they have a spy that live among us? Do you think the names they mentioned were guessed names or where they there with us in the process we were planning it? Who is actually revealing our secreted to them? Who is the traitor among us? I prefer you present yourself honorably or else I sort you out. And if I do, you will pay dearly for it.
My highly respected head of this kingdom, you didn’t come into power by error, it is the people that voted you in, said Musa. If the people don’t prefer you, they won’t vote you massively the way they did. So tell us what you want us to do for you, and we will do. I Mamud believe that it will be Ideal if we just try a little bit to involve them in this system in order to buzz them. That’s to give them one or two seats in your cabinet, repair one road or build a school for them, release some of their people from prison without facing court process. This one will go a long way in making them be under our control for long.

Chapter 11
The Town Hall Meeting
The Elders of the Utari people which comprise Edunero clan, the Ibokele clan and the Yorinle clan, summons an emergency meeting of all the Elders, active youths, natives and other important personalities among the people to discuss the way forward for the Utari people of Akogah land.
The special meeting was scheduled for the main hall of Are-Ile-Owo Secondary School, Edunero community. And Papa Aideienten the Osasetin of Ibokele clan presided over the meeting.
Now everyone was quietly seated and the Mic-man stood up to introduce the chairman of the occasion to all present. The Mic-Man was Mr. Osarietinomwan while the chairman of the exceptional meeting was Papa Aidienten.
My people you are all welcome to this great decision making meeting of the Utari people. When I first heard about the plan of our Arere brothers to remove us from the existence in this land, I immediately communicated the information to our children abroad to give them clue of what we are now facing in the hand of our own brothers, in the land of our own birth. They advised me to summon a town hall meeting where our people will be consulted and the decision on the next step to take, be reached. And after the meeting, I should reach back to them what our resolves are.
Hence I have summoned this Great Brain Cracking Meeting today, so that we should plan together how we want our future to be. We will now call on Elder Adechukwu to open this program with prayer.
Now that we have handed over this gathering to our ancestors and our creator, I am calling on our daughter Mabel to tell us what she experience in the hand of our new Head of Akogah empire.
Mabel stood up and said “my fathers, my elders, our husbands, our clansmen and everyone here present, the great and wonderful youth of Akogah-land! I am once again privilege to speak in the mist of great and prosperous people like you. Similar to what I said earlier before the tyrant head of Akogah nation, I want to repeat it once again before my people.
In the presentation after they order me out of the darkroom they call prison, I asked Mr. Abdul-karin why he has made the lifestyle of the people of Utari as they called us miserable, laborious and short-lived? By means of Abdul-karin system of ruler ship, he has removed from the minds and hearts of Utari people happiness and leisure. He has succeeded in making our lives misery and Laborious which automatically turn us into their slaves; their working tools.
What Akogah has faced this recent time in the hand of Abdul-karin is nothing more than utter chaos and disorder, serious struggle with massive insecurity and the killing of innocent citizens by the Arere people, weak political structure, dilapidating policies, empty promises, misuse of the nations treasury and increased corruption.
The Akogah’s are heading for a journey, a new way of life. They are going to be experiencing a condition they have never experienced before. A first class suffering, but I assure you! In a very short period of time, an escape route may be made available. But only those with insight will recognize it. That period of grace for anyone with discernment shall come and it will wear a very beautiful suit. As clean as has never been known by anyone in this empire. It will be dressed as a groom ready to take a bride. There will be lot of food drinks and other related gift to dish out to all that attended that occasion. Immediately after the program, if possible, even the Bride and Groom will go into hiding because, they need to pay back money borrowed for the occasion. That is exactly what will be faced in this Akogah land in the shortest possible time and it will be in this tattered government of Abdul-karin. In this government, there’s going to be the highest bloodshed in this da-da-sa continent which Akogah is a high breed country. The highest percentage of innocent youths, children and women will be killed; the highest number of death in the Akogah cabinet will recorded and the worst corruption situation in history will happen”.
I told our dictator leader to his very face; I assured him that revolution is the answer; rebellion is the solution to our problems. That is the only way we can remove ourselves from the deadly claws of these enemies that call themselves our brother unless they make the law of the land to take charge of every activities happening in Akogah. Nevertheless we should rise up now! And it should be Today!! We should go straight to our brother, our own blood!!! The only Utari son the Arere people never allow a peaceful stay in the throne of Akogah Empire and plead with him to forgive us of all the atrocities we committed against him, and request that he help us retrieve our heritage from the Arere people.
They have battered me, bullied me, and threatened me. They even threw me into their dark room where you cannot even see your own finger for just telling them the truth. As for the Yorinle people, Yes! The Yorinle people must tell us the side they belong because from all available records, we have been emphatically informed that they are the traitors that have sold us to the Arere’s. Now they are still with us. My recommendation is that they must let us know were they belong. They must swear to an oath that they will not reveal our secrete to the Arere’s anymore. They must reach a covenant with us that if they betray us this time their generation will gradually wear away! I thank you my father, Papa Aidienten for giving me the opportunity to tell you how Abdul-karin treated me.
Thank you my daughter Mabel, with your enumeration, a direction has been originated. I hereby appoint Mrs. Alero as the Moderator of this gathering.
Thank you our father. I appreciate everyone present in this meeting. You know as a coordinated people, we don’t talk rowdily. If you have anything to say, just raise your hand and I will appoint you the privilege to speak, please if you start a comment without being called, your speech will be halted and hindered. I have already seen some hands raised up. But let me remind you that your suggestions and comments should be centered on the matter at stake. As I sit down! I want to call on the youth chairman to speak.
I specifically great you papa Aidienten, the Osasetin of Ibokele Clan, I greet my tireless and zealous elders Pa. Osifo, Uwaila, Osaro, and Yemi. I greet other elders who have been pumping strength into us. I greet the wonderful and ever ready youths of this land especially Mabel the most honest of Utari women, the woman of dignity and value, I thank you all for your good work in trying to make the Utari people relevant again. But I weep for my nation as I’m short of word to classify a society made up of intelligent people but does everything without proper planning.
Oh! Akogah, it is in you that the true quality of truth has been flogged to death, while decent buildings were built for hatred, disloyalty, back-biting, idolatry etc. I have toured Akogah territories; I have known so many tricks being implemented by those that force themselves to the seat of leadership in this empire. We the Edunero’s, Ibokele’s and yorinle’s, what do we know best now? What the Arere people have make us know now is acute hunger, they make us sleep on bare floor, why they sleep in cushion bed they make us drink mud water gathered along our road path while they drink pipe-borne water. They send us to the field to labour and produce the food they need, they take over our resources, process it and return back the shaft to us why they take the finely process products for themselves. Utari people! Do you deserve these? Why do they treat us so wickedly?
Do you know my kinsmen that I was once an active tool in the hand of these people? I was so foolish then, so unreasonable and greedy that I succumb so low to greedily allow them to use me to edge my brother away form the seat of headship of Akogah Empire. You will remember that I once told you my elders that our people have be fooled for long and that if we don’t utilize this opportunity available to us right now, we won’t get our inheritance back.
My fathers, I have said it before that they used me as an instrument to vandalize the cabinet of my own brother. Although I latter realize my errors but it was too late. Having realized my mistakes, I pleaded with the elders present here today to please lead me to my brother, my father, the former head of Akogah, Mr. Nickfallow Decki. So that I’ll plead with him to forgive me of all I did to him in the past. I stop so far. Thank you for this great opportunity my fathers.
Hmmm my brother Omene, you spoke so well. Yes! Pa. Uwaila Speak!
My people, what a bright day for us all? A day to make the most exclusive decision in this great Akogah Empire. A time to create a positive milestone in history. This is a memorable occasion for all Utari people. I tell you! It’s because the lion has been incapacitated that goats and sheep are celebrating their get together in its parlour, using the most cherished diamond plate of the lion and even eating in its fine dinning table.
Oh! What a sorrow for the one who takes an action before making decision? Even if the sea gets dry, the memory that sea was once there lingers on.
My people, I am not here to castigate anyone but to join other brain teasers to proffer solution for the problem we the Utari people are facing in this Akogah land. Most of you here still remember how I stopped Abu-Bakr from calling our children wild animals in one of the Elders meeting. You may also remembers that I cut in to second an idea that my sister brought, that instead of bullying our children, we should bring them close to ourselves and let them feel the parental warmness, maybe that will calm their rising temper down which Abdul-karin and his cohorts rejected .
In several forums my people, I have always wished to play the game of love, peace and good spirit of togetherness but it’s like the Arere people are already bent on removing us from existence. We have already learnt that its only fools that goes on to sleep with their roof on fire. To quench this growing trend of hatred and oppression, I suggest we go right away and beg him for forgiveness. Because Omene and some others have being a traitor to him (Nickfallow Decki) all these while. Then make him join us in this fight. I also join others present here to thank you our father Pa. Uwaifo for a very good presentation you’ve just offered.
O.K. Chukwuma, I can see your hand up, Please speak.
I feel honored to be among great men and women of Akogah nation. Mostly the Utari People, as you know, I am from the Ibokele Clan. Utari people have been well established that despite the gift of creation given to us by the Almighty, those Arere, killers of good vision intended to killed our zeal and dampened our eagerness to make this empire one that cannot be compared with. A nation without a rival. But what de we see? A tyrant leader who does not have respect for the lives of the humans around him
Sorry to say that our leader is a carbon copy of a rodent who is neither here nor there and once you are able to see it stationed somewhere, it has already done Havoc to our properties, so visible and crystal clear; we must change this inhuman character being displayed by Abdul-karin and his cronies. And to achieve success herewith, I recommend that we immediately meet with our former head of Akogah and sort his advice.
We thank you so much our brother Chukwuma for that wise talk. Your views are noted. Seeing that no hand is up I wish to hand over the mic to our father Papa Aidienten: the Osasetin of Ibokele clan. A round of applause for our father again.
My children, we have heard you. Thank you all for your patience, we also appreciate your love and cooperation. Infact, we the elders of our people applaud you, we have heard your grievances and pains from the discussion today we have been able to isolate the reason why you, our children are has not been happy with the Arere people. But I assure you there’s a way out. We will make sure these problems are solved without wasting any human blood.
The primary agreement in this meeting is that we should meet our brother, son and clansman, the former head of Akogah Empire Mr. Nickfallow Decki, this resolution is going to be implemented immediately. Other resolutions will be forwarded to our children and brothers abroad to make the necessary move to address them amicably.
Some people among us, including my humble self are going to embark on an unscheduled visit to our son, our brother Nickfallow Decki.

Chapter 12
The Visit
Good day son, our brother and our clansman, we are here to welcome you back from the tedious mission you embarked on some years back, we are so proud of you because you did not let us down. We are never sad over your performances when you were the head, the leader of this great Akogah nation. May your light never get dim.
Our people abroad also ask us to join them in this appreciation mission. They said you value human life and the knowledge and wisdom you displayed as you were handing over to your predecessor was a very humble and diligent spirit which the world over respects. They promised to be in support of any step we take to make things better for our people. They also ask me to tell you that they heard how some of our own blood joined the Arere people to sideline your leadership. They wish to join those deceivers to plead for your forgiveness and hoped they change form their greedy and wicked ways.
We that are here before you today, claimed Papa Aidieuten are not strange faces to you. That was why we decided not to send you a formal notice before we visit you. We know that your house is also our own house.
Omene your son, our son has enumerated to us areas and ways he trampled your governance. He told us how he was white washed to use your very loyalist against you. He realized his errors and cry to use. When he came to us, we also consulted with our people abroad who supported that we should come with him to whole heartedly plead with you to forgive him and to accept him back as your own blood.
You may have not known the fight he has been fighting behind you since he learnt he was used to tumble your government. Just look at how thin he is now. I can’t kneel down for you but I join others on their kneel to really beg you to forgive a repentance sinner. I rest my case.
I greet you my people said Mr. Nickfallow Decki the former head of Akogah. I am very proud and pleased with you. I have never held any grudges against anyone because I believe that everything that happens to someone is his fate. I have never been so happy and satisfied in my life like I do now. I find joy being among those that now understand what has been happening inside there.
All of you outside here now cannot understand the situation every leader of Akogah Empire pass through. Only those that are aware of how this empire came into existence can tell who the leaders really are. Whether it’s the one on the seat or the ones behind the curtain.
As of the matter relating to my son Omene, I don’t blame him, and I can’t blame him this game is the game of the fittest. Did you all here know what I passed though before they allow my words become a law? We are still maturing; we are not old enough to understand certain actions or decisions those in government take.
If life was a game, only professionals would’ve been able to play and win. But what makes one a professional? I think it’s the ability to be patience enough to learn and become a master; professionals are diligent learners, humble and sincere in heart, putting everyone into consideration when making decision.
As a bonafide son of this land, my wish is that things should be better for all of us, and I don’t bother who does it as far as the people do not appreciate my effort. I am not willing to revenge